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Photo by az. Retrieved from https://flic.kr/p/8KCCKW |
First, view through the lens and applying the context of Assignment 1, my non-fiction and reference section need a careful look. As I mentioned in some of the discussions, I have done some essential weeding of more aged material that has outlived its usefulness, such as a small collection of older print encyclopedias, but there is still much more to evaluate. And even then, does that resource require a replacement despite the availability of digital encyclopedic resources? This is a process that will take time to properly assess and execute on.
Second, there is the discussion surrounding the web and online reference materials, as outlined in Chapter 10 of Reference Skills for the School Librarian: Tools and Tips (Riedling, 2013). Does every teacher and student at my school know what is available to them in terms of digital resources, both through their school library as well as across the board as a school district? Simply knowing what is out there can be a solid step in the direction of making the library a more valuable resource.
As a few examples:
- There is Webpath Express, a curated collection of web links that support curriculum and can provide a solid foundation for student research. (Note: to access, find “Newton Elementary” → Catalogue → Webpath express in the sidebar)
- Other curated resource lists outside the district, such as infotopia.info and other associated Student-friendly custom searches. These can drastically cut down on the information overload from a internet-wide google search as well as give students a leg up in evaluation because of the list curation.
- A new resource in our district for this year is the Discovery Education Science Techbook, a fantastic science “online textbook” integrated with ample multimedia resources and student activities. Here is one that doubles as a very solid teacher resource as well as another potential avenue for student research.
This is a short list of what is available to our teachers and students, and part of the role includes building capacity and making use of the resources we have available to us.
Thirds, also outlined by Riedling throughout Chapter 10, there is the topic of web source evaluation. While the curated lists shown above can help in this regard, it is still invaluable for students to obtain the information literacy skills needed to properly evaluate a resource. I think lessons from education resources such as Common Sense Media can assist me in this area and help students brush up on (or perhaps newly acquire) their research skills.
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Retrieved from http://bctf.ca/bctla/pub/ |
Lastly, I think the BCTLA's information literacy model the “Points of Inquiry” bears mentioning. This is a hugely important model for tackling concepts of inquiry and research, and one of my goals is to introduce this to teachers and students as part of our collaboration. Given that much of the redesigned curriculum is focused on essential questions, and promotes the inquiry learning model itself, exploring info lit models such as this one with other teachers could do a lot to move us forward.
It seems like a lot to handle all at once. However, Reidling has a great quote from William A. Katz that really resonated with me in Chapter 1 (2016) “In time the beginner becomes a veteran. And veteran [school librarians] never quit; or are fired, or die, They simply gain fame as being among the wisest people in the world. One could do worse”. As I gain experience, I strive to be able to make my way towards the path of a veteran teacher librarian.
Works Cited
BCTLA Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2018, from http://bctf.ca/bctla/pub/
D-221 books. (2018, January 28). Retrieved January 28, 2018, from https://flic.kr/p/8KCCKW
Dr. Michael Bell and Carole Bell. (n.d.). Infotopia--A Google Alternative Safe Search Engine for Students. Retrieved January 28, 2018, from http://www.infotopia.info/
Website Evaluation. (2016, August 05). Retrieved January 28, 2018, from https://www.commonsense.org/education/lesson-plans/website-evaluation
Welcome to SD No. 36 (Surrey) Catalogue. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2018, from https://library.sd36.bc.ca/district/servlet/presentlistsitesform.do;jsessionid=3F9364BE22C2C0B8573C3372B646A6C0?districtMode=true
Riedling, A. M., Shake, L., & Houston, C. (2013). Reference skills for the school librarian: tools and tips. Santa Barbara: California.
Techbook™ Digital Textbooks. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2018, from http://www.discoveryeducation.ca/what-we-offer/techbook-digital-textbooks/index.cfm
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