Friday, February 27, 2015

Ancient Civilizations - Online Resources

Here is a small collection of resources and links useful for researching Ancient Civilizations. These were chosen with a research project in mind:


Two sites with several “lessons” (articles) about different ancient civilizations designed for students.

Articles with accompanying videos for many of the commonly studied ancient civilizations from the “History channel” company. There are some games and other things also on the site that aren’t relevant, but the articles appear to be valuable.

A collection of essays that cover nearly any ancient civilization, but the writing might be too dense for most intermediate grade students. It could still be useful for filling research gaps.

Another collection of articles detailing ancient civilizations (navigate via sidebar), though some are marked by present day locations.

Ancient Rome - look under Italy

Aztecs - look under Mexico

Maya - look under both Mexico and Guatemala

Sumeria (Sumer), Babylon, Assyria - look under Iraq

An online encyclopedia with articles concerning many of the assigned ancient civilizations. There is some overlap with Wikipedia, but there are several original contributions as well.

An interactive ancient map on the same site that covers up to approximately 270 BCE. The pictures can’t be saved directly, but we could take a screen snapshot instead.

Details of ancient writing systems organized by region.

The “school subject” site map from synonym has many articles on the subject. The site’s search doesn’t seem to work very well, but using “ctrl + F” on this list works pretty well.

An exhaustive history of many aspects of the Roman Empire. This site only has information about Rome, however!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Inkle Writer - Interactive Story Writing

Inkle Writer makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, similar to the classic "choose your own adventure"-style novels. At the end of each section, the reader is provided a choice of which "path" to take to continue your story, which as a writer presents ample opportunities for thinking creatively and writing in new ways.

Although tools provided can build sophisticated story paths, creating simple branching narratives is quite painless to set up and get started. From there, writers can get more complex if they choose to.

Inkle Writer also provides an alternative to the ever-present "need-an-email-address-to-sign-up" problem by allowing students to sign up with an @inklewriter address to save and share their work without an external email.

UPDATE: Here is the link to the example story, The Adventure of the Mustgrave Ritual.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Scale of Space

Although it has a slightly hyperbolic title, "209 Seconds That Will Make You Question Your Entire Existence" is a video by Buzzfeed that gives a quick overview of the scale of objects in our universe. By doing quick comparisons that show the vast sizes and distances that exist in space, the video does a decent job of showing how big things really are:

Unfortunately there are some small inaccuracies pointed out by Phil Pliat in this article, but it is great as a jumping off point for a discussion about space.

(Thanks Gordon)